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PZC 10-9-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Louise Evans, Marshall Montana, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patricia Porter, and Tim Wentzell

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Roger Cottle,Doug Manion (arrived at 7:37 p.m.) and, Patrick Kennedy

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                        Mike Gantick, Director of Public Works


Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Chairman Mealy asked if anyone would like to speak on any item that was not on the agenda.  There was no public participation.

Chairman Mealy requested a motion to add an item to the agenda to allow Matt Galligan, Town Manager, to speak to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding a Fuel Cell installation.  Motion was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  The motion was carried and the vote was unanimous.

Matthew Galligan addressed the Commission on a Fuel Cell for South Windsor High School.  This new program would allow South Windsor High School to be an emergency operations center in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. A Fuel Cell is an oversized generator that would have no problem running the entire high school to full capacity. The High School provides a large cafeteria, showers, doctor and nurse area, and numerous classrooms, so having this technology at the high school would enable us to handle the whole community in the event of a disaster, attack, etc. The major concern is the expense, not so much the cost of the fuel cell, but the maintenance cost of $35,000.00 - $50,000.00 every five years to refurbish.  The technology of the fuel cell is environmentally safe. The Connecticut Fund for Energy is providing a grant for a pilot program in South Windsor. The Town may be coming before PZC with a site plan in November.
On October 25, 2001, a tour is planned at the International Fuel Cell, Inc., plant located at IFC Headquarters, 195 Governors Highway, from 3:00-4:30 p.m.

The commission concerns were location of the fuel cell, size, and noise. Galligan noted the size is approximately as large as a refrigerator, the location to be near the boiler room, and the noise to be no more than an air conditioner.  He noted that more information regarding International Fuel Cells, Inc., may be found at their web site


Chairman Mealy briefly described the Evergreen Walk project.

A motion to approve Appl 01-26P, Evergreen Walk at Buckland Hills, General Plan of Development (Phase I), to construct approximately 375,000 sq. ft. of retail; 650,000 sq. ft. of offices; 75,000 sq. ft. of indoor recreation; and a 250-room hotel on approximately 232 acres of land on the westerly side of Buckland Road, southerly side of Deming Street and northerly of Smith Street, GD zone

Motion was made by Commissioner McCann, seconded by Commissioner Montana.  The motion was carried and the vote was unanimous.

During discussion the Commissioners had the following suggestions and requirements:

The applicant should investigate providing two lanes on the entire exit ramp on
Interstate 84 eastbound, exit 62.

Pedestrian access to crossing the street.  Raised crosswalks may be used for this purpose.
Maintaining the exterior of the berms, landscaping, etc., by implementing an operations
and maintenance plan.
Additional green space is needed. There are many natural features on the property that
should be preserved and incorporated into green spaces.

Having an attractive view of the backs of buildings.

Concern regarding the runoff of water from the site and general stormwater

The applicant should take another look at improving the hazardous curve on Deming
A suggestion that the Main Street section be carefully designed so that, if it becomes
desirable in the future, the main street retail area could easily become pedestrian-only.

Marshall Montana listed approval conditions for Evergreen Walk:

This approval is for a General Plan of Development, which does not address many
engineering and site design details. The applicant must submit an application for a site
plan of development approval, at which time the Commission will review all specific
details of the project, including but not limited to concerns raised during the General
Plan application process.

In accordance with Section 3.A.4.b of the Buckland Road/Sullivan Avenue Corridor
zoning regulations, a waiver is hereby granted to allow three signalized driveway
intersections with Buckland Road, as shown on the General Plan.

The Plum Gulley Brook/Podunk River watershed is a highly sensitive watershed and
stream corridor, hydrologically, hydraulically and ecologically. Storm drainage design at
the site plan stage must thoroughly and adequately address storm water quality and
quantity, including both on-site and downstream impacts.

Views of parking areas from Buckland Road must be minimized through the use of berms
and perimeter landscaping. Parking lot lighting in close proximity to Buckland Road will
be pedestrian-style (but may be higher and brighter).

In accordance with Section 5.8.6.c.6, the yard setback between Smith Street and the first
building is permitted to be partially combined with the required buffer, with a combined
total building setback and buffer of 115 feet instead of the full separate width of 140

The General Plan must reflect the 75 foot buffer and a 40 foot building setback from
the edge of the buffer. The berm must be constructed and landscaped in the early stages
of the construction.

Roofs and roof equipment must be screened from Buckland Road and Smith Street.

Deming Street must be widened to 22 feet up to Grandview Terrace (where right-of-way
exists), and a left turn lane must be provided at the intersection with Buckland Road, in
accordance with traffic plans and correspondence submitted with the application. The
poor geometry of the curve must be improved to a 30 MPH design speed if right-of-way

A strong pedestrian interconnection between the lifestyle center ("main street" retail
center) and the indoor recreation facility must be provided.

Sidewalk widths within the lifestyle center must be wide enough to readily accommodate
outdoor dining and other street activities.

Delivery trucks must use routes other than the "main street" to make site deliveries.

When details of Buckland Road widening are finalized at the site plan stage, adequate additional right-of-way along Buckland Road must be provided.

An access easement is required to be granted to 207 Buckland Road, in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.A., Buckland Road/Sullivan Avenue Corridor.

Trees and hedgerows must be preserved to the maximum extent possible; preservation details to be shown on the site plan.

Project sanitary sewers must also serve the east side of Buckland Road.

No outdoor storage is allowed in the Gateway zone, per Section 5.8.6.c of the zoning regulations.

Construction phasing, including phasing of external roadway improvements, must be shown on the site plan.

This approval is valid for five years and will expire on 10-09-2006.

The applicant must investigate the provision of two lanes exiting from I-84 eastbound at Exit 62 where currently one lane exits.

An Operation and Maintenance Plan for maintenance of the berm and all landscaping must be submitted with the site plan.

More "green space" is needed, and it should include some of the site's existing natural features.

Chairman Mealy called for a vote.  The vote was unanimous and the motion passed.


The question of alternates speaking during decision discussions was raised by Mealy. It was suggested the Town Attorney be scheduled to speak to the commission.

Chairman Mealy informed the commission that Superior Court had ruled against the Commission and overturned the Commission's denial of the Shady Brook Senior Residence Development on Strong Road.

BONDS Calling/Reductions/Settings

Appl#97-88P Chase Orchards bond currently at $175,800.00, expires October 29. Staff requested that the Commission approve calling of this bond in case a renewal is not received by the expiration date. Motion to call the bond was made by Evans, seconded by Wentzell, the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


The minutes of 8/28/01 and 9/25/01 were approved by consensus of the Commission.

ITEM:  Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. was made by Evans.  Larsen seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelli A. Gaetano
Recording Secretary